Assent Takes Next Step in Carbon Mission

Actions speak louder than words, so rather than make promises about our Carbon Footprint with dates set far in the future, we’re taking some action now! 

Creating a Carbon Positive Workforce with Ecologi

Like many businesses and individuals, we’re working with Ecologi to plant trees in the UK and Abroad, as part of reforestation projects.

Ecologi only fund offset projects which meet the highest verification standards, such as Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard and maintain full transparency through Carbon Receipts and regular updates. 

Through their partnership with Eden Reforestation, Ecologi plant a minimum of 12 trees per employee every month in Madagascar, Mozambique and Nicaragua to help offset our energy use and business travel.  Find out more about the Reforestation Projects.

We’re also planting trees in the UK, like this Silver Birch in Dalry, Scotland which is part of a domestic reforestation project.  One day maybe we’ll go to visit it.

Growing Our Business Sustainably

The pandemic has provided a unique opportunity for us to work together with our clients to adapt our ways of working for a more sustainable future.

We have significantly reduced the number of miles travelled, and last year we didn’t book a single flight either domestically or internationally, despite working with some great international clients, like the Interactive Whiteboard App Miro.

Our remote first model combined with a commitment to build a broader base of consultants in different geographical locations, means we are set to continue minimising our carbon footprint into the future.

However we do understand that even working remotely impacts the environment and produces some carbon. Read our recent blog: Video Calls: The Carbon and Mental Health Costs of Working Remotely.

So we are considering ways to measure this impact and make sure that we fully offset our impact on the Environment. 

Take Your Next Step Towards Carbon Reduction!

Make your Workforce Carbon Positive too!  Sign Up with Ecologi Quickly and Easily Here!
Contact us to find out more, or talk to our Environmental Consultants to see how we can help you make positive changes with ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and ISO 14064 for Carbon Footprint.

We offset our carbon footprint via Ecologi

Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304