What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management. You may have come across organisations that are certified to ISO 9001; perhaps you’ve seen the ISO 9001 certification logo on a lorry, work van, or on a website. An ISO 9001 certification…

How Do I get ISO 14001 Certification?

Although ISO created the first “family” of ISO 14001 standards in 1996, the first system for environmental management was published in 1992. The latest incarnation is ISO 14001:2015, which is a similar layout to the previous one, ISO 14001:2004 in…

iCOM Works

iCOM Reward Works

Cardiff based iCOM Reward Works, provide a range of Benefit and Reward solutions for public and private sector businesses across the UK to deliver benefit, loyalty and incentive outcomes for their clients’ employees and customers. The confidentiality of data and…

Meetings in Coffee Shops….The Risks.

According to an article in The Times, in 2018, three coffee shops were opening every day! So it’s no surprise that in crowded cities and towns, more ‘business’ is now being done outside the office, in nearby coffee shops.  However,…

What are the Requirements of ISO 9001?

You may have come across organisations that are certified to ISO9001; perhaps you’ve seen the ISO9001 certification logo on a lorry, work van, or on a website. An ISO 9001 certification can provide all kinds of benefits for both the…

What is the ISO 27701 Privacy Add-On?

In 2019 an exciting new privacy standard, ISO 27701, was published.   But what is ISO 27701 and can it help you achieve GDPR compliance? ISO 27701 for a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) ISO 27701, is an add-on to the…