Assent Celebrate National Vegetarian Week!

Socialising, opening up to new business opportunities and free vegetarian food – what could be a better way to celebrate National Vegetarian Week in a business environment? This week (14th-18th May) has marked National Vegetarian Week and we decided to…

Warning: GDPR Phishing Scams Spotted!

Hackers have been creating fake GDPR-related privacy notice emails to mislead targets into handing over personal data, including credit card information. With GDPR being a hot topic, businesses and individuals have been receiving voluminous genuine privacy notice emails from brands…

ISO 27001 as a Tool for GDPR Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulations, and related UK Legislation, places responsibility on organisations to be ‘accountable’.  Although many of the requirements were already in place under previous legislation, organisations need to evidence their compliance and could face higher fines for…

ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 for Kallidus


Kallidus are a Software Development company who help their clients with employee attraction, growth and retention. Their services include 6 key areas; learn, perform, 360, recruit, talent and content. How have we helped Kallidus and what have been the benefits?…