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Journey 2015

Journey Feedback Results 2015

During late October/early November 2015, as part of our Assent Journey Project, we engaged with our existing clients and asked for their feedback on our service. It’s important to us that we live up to our PRIDE values which are…

Summer 2015 Budget.

* National Living Wage replaces Minimum Wage. £7.20 p/h in April 2016 increasing to £9 p/h by 2020. * National insurance bill reduction of further £1,000. * Corporation Tax dropping to 19% in 2017, and then 18% in 2020. *…

The Value of Lunch and Learn

The Value of Lunch and Learn Finding new and exciting ways to deliver compliance training such as information security or health and safety can be difficult, but it’s essential to keep up the awareness of such issues. FREE FOOD Some…

Prime Numbers

There are periods when I spend a lot of time driving alone in the car and inevitably my mind drifts on to various subjects. One day this week, for a reason I don’t know, the thought of prime numbers entered…