Category General

Measurement: Essential for Managing Risk

 Measurement is a process we use every day of our lives. Whether its measuring time, volume, temperature, length, quantity or asking for a pint. It would be difficult to get through a day without it. Measurement is also applied to…

Industry Focus

This month Assent Risk Management is focusing on some of the key industries we work in by publishing ‘industry pages’ on our website. These pages will help guide you straight to the services that are most useful to your business.…

ISO for Start Ups

During the infancy for a business ISO might not be top of the agenda, however there are compelling reasons to implement management systems and achieve certification early on. Don’t get in to bad habits. Bad habits can easily develop around…

Processes and Process Auditing

 The concept of a “processes” is key in many management systems, frameworks and theories. A process is a “set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs to outputs”. ISO9001 A process “may define policies, standards, guidelines, activities or work…