Category Services

Do you have a Lone Worker Problem?

What are lone workers?Many organisation’s stray in to the territory of lone workers without realising it, because it is not just applicable to the security guard doing the night shift. Lone workers are employees who carry out an activity in…

FinTech – A Developing UK Tech Scene

  The UK is heavily reliant on financial services with London being an important international hub. Recognising this, the Government has recently moved to build on it’s cultivation of the UK tech scene by supporting financial technology firms described as…

Who Owns Your LinkedIn Account?

According to LinkedIn, over 300 million people use it’s social network to manage their professional identity and engage with business contacts. For most of us this means connecting with people we have met through our previous and current employment. However,…

Apple to spend $850m on solar energy

Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced that the company will be partnering with First Solar (America’s largest utility-scale installer) on a project that could supply Power to 60,000 homes in California. The installation will cover around 1,300 acres of land,…

How Plimsoll Made Shipping Safer.

Britain has a rich shipping heritage and it’s nice to think we have made a considerable contribution to modern shipping standards. As the new year 2015 started, by coincidence, news came through of two nautical emergencies off the coast of…