Category Services

AV Storms and Patch Management

A recent Spiceworks survey of IT professionals showed 76% of them had concerns over AV Storms, the simultaneous scanning or updating of Anti-Virus software causing negative effects to over-all system performance. Among the top concerns were degradation of system performance,…

Black Spot Disease

Black Spot DiseaseOn my travels, both with and without ISO14001 clients, I have noticed something in the trees and plants that I don’t remember seeing recently: black, deadly looking spots in the middle of leaves. Growing up with a green…

Winter Tips

Winter has finally arrived in the UK and as we’ve seen it’s already been causing havoc around the globe. New York suffered a monumental snow fall (it’s estimated that up to 7 feet of snow fell in 3 days), leaving…

Cyber Essentials Scheme

From 1st October 2014 the UK government has required all suppliers bidding for certain sensitive and personal information handling contracts to be certified against the Cyber Essentials scheme. The Scheme provides a basic set of technical controls that organisations can…

Where is my Data?

Where is my Data?

In a few short years the tech landscape has changed dramatically, powered by the giant Silicon Valley firms and innovated by small tech start-ups from London and other scenes around the world. Storage and processing of data is moving away…