Category Quality

Implementing ISO for the Information Age

It’s been almost 30 years since ISO 9001, the International Standard for Quality Management was first published, and although there were standards before this, it’s widely recognised as the beginning of the ‘assurance culture’. Very quickly consultants with knowledge of the…

Quality Measures in the Social Age

Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation have always been important within management systems such as ISO 9001, and the move towards ISO’s Annex SL has reinforced these requirements further. However, just as the ISO 9001 standard has adapted to cover services as…

ISO 9001:2015 Published!

The much awaited international standard for quality management has been published today (23rd September 2015) and is available for download from approved sources. What’s New in ISO 9001:2015? There’s never been a better time to implement quality management to ISO…