Considering the Environment, and Why Making a Change Improves the Wellbeing of Your Business and Yourself.

For many years now, there has been a heavy focus on the environment, and quite rightly too. We constantly see in the news about the ice caps, trees, flooding, solar panels and a whole list of things. In fact, should it proved that Global Warming exists / doesn’t exist, I’m considering that the debate will rage on with one side trying to prove the facts wrong anyway.
However, it can’t be denied that now we have the true knowledge about our environment we need to be doing something about it. We know that we have not been the kindest inhabitants to our planet, and thankfully we are beginning to make our first stumbling steps towards a responsible future. As with anything there is a long way to go, but here are some things to consider:

We know to turn off lights, get proper insulation, turn down the heating and get energy efficient appliances. It saves us money in both the long term and the short term. But have you considered that an environmental project at home could improve your wellbeing? Studies have proven many times that a few plants in the house, a green space outside your window and a good percentage of recycling-to-landfill-ratio can improve your mood. This article discusses the finding of a study that suggests it could have long term positive effects:

Organisations are among the largest contributors to Environmental damage, and unfortunately there appear to be many firms that do not see it as their responsibility to improve their statistics. However, the tides are turning and it is becoming less and less acceptable for there to be low accountability in ANY area of business. With this in mind, there are many ways to get your business “levelled up” in terms of environmental responsibilities. Implementing an EMS (Environmental Management System) comes on many levels and is never wasted. A complete management system can be combined with other systems such as Quality or Information Security, and not only make it easier to run these areas of your business, but look good from the outside as well as within.
There is no doubt that there is an increase in businesses being asked for their green credentials when being considered for a contract or new venture. “Going Green” is a hot topic in business right now, and investing in green projects and carbon footprints can bring many dividends; extra business, money saving, and increased positivity and work ethic among staff to name a few.
This article highlights some of the “plus points” on green investments: … 20051.html

We know it looks like a complicated equation, so Contact Us for clear and simple advice on Management Systems of all kinds and the Wellbeing of both your business and your people.


Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51