Consultant-to-Consultant Collaboration

Across our group we enjoy many collaborations with similar companies on projects, joint-ventures and more. Over the years we have had great success and developed many long standing relationships with our peers.

If you would like to work with us, we’d like to hear from you!

Key Reasons to Collaborate

There are many reasons consultancies choose to collaborate with us at Assent Risk Management, including:

  • Expanding Resources without employing more staff.
  • Covering availability issues, for example where client projects have a short deadline.
  • Accessing New Skills of consultants with particular competencies or knowledge.
  • Increasing capacity to bid on large projects or tenders.

Collaboration Risks & Controls

Of course that are risks to manage when collaborating, but we have controls to mitigate most of them, including:

  • Client Ownership: We can completely segregate joint clients in our CRM and other systems.  We can establish non-compete and non-disclosure agreements where needed.
  • Communication: Our back office is adept at keeping everyone informed and ensuing projects are delivered.
  • Conflict of interest: We manage potential conflicts of interest in our relationships, read how we do that here.
  • Payments: Our finance team pays invoices within 30 days, regardless of whether the client has paid us.
  • Consultant Competence: we’ve developed an industry leading competence programme to ISO 10015Read more about our CM&PD Scheme.

How We Work in Collaboration

There are three main ways we collaborate with other consultancy firms.

ReferralJoint-ProjectResource Provision
SummaryYou pass on projects directly to one of our group companies and receive commission.Work in partnership with us to deliver a project or venture.We’ll provide any people, technology or other resources you need for your project, under your brand.
InvoicingWe invoice the client, you invoice us for the agreed commission.Client invoices can be handled by us or you – as agreed. You invoice the client.  We invoice you for the resources you use.
Client Relationship managementWe manage the relationship with the client.The relationship is managed jointly.You manage the relationship.
People FeesWe invoice the client directly and pay you a commission of 10% during the project and 5% for work there after. (Max 3 years)We invoice at a discounted day rate for our portion of the project.We charge you 80% of our standard day rate, giving you at least 20% profit margin.
Technology ResourcesWe use our technology stack to deliver to the clients.Technology stack is agreed at the start of the project.We use your technology, unless directed otherwise.
AdvantagesLow overheads and input from you.  Receive commission to boost your revenue.Retain some control and oversight of the client.  Expand capabilities and availability. You retain complete ownership and control of the client. 

For larger collaborations we can also operate a relationship management plan to ISO 44001!


We want to grow our network and help you grow yours!  Contact us to discuss consultant-to-consultant collaborations!

This page is mainly aimed at consultancy firms.  Other ways to work with us as an individual consultant: