The Difference Between Accreditation and Certification: You, Us and Them.

Its a small terminology problem but it’s worth clarifying when embarking on an ISO Management System Project: The difference between accreditation and certification.

YOU – The Business
As a business implementing an ISO Management System, you have probably either purchased the ISO Standard document, called a consultant like us or both.

Certification is not mandatory, but it does enable you to promote the management system with the assurance of an independent body. Find out more about implementation.

The certification marks can also look impressive on letter heads and tender documents.

US – Consultants
As consultants, we don’t provide certification. This is because we are not independent of the management system.

Rather, we are available to help you with example documents and experience of how other businesses have solved similar problems. We will, however, provide internal audits to help you identify non-conformances and areas of improvement. Find out more about internal audits.

THEM – Certification Bodies
These are independent bodies that will audit your management system and, if it meets the requirements of the standard, issue a certificate. This is where you become Certified.

The certification bodies in turn are accredited by UKAS.

Find out more about ISO Certification.

UKAS is a body, recognised by the government and responsible for the competence of the many certification bodies.

So, the correct term is that your business is certified to ISO 9001/ISO14001/ISO27001 by a UKAS Accredited Certification body.



Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 303