Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Using Less Energy

The cost and sustainability of energy has been a hot topic for some time now and it seems the general consensus is that we should use less.

While this approach may often work when applied to a household or small organisation, it is less likely to be effective in a growing business.

Energy reduction is a particular problem in manufacturing, where increased production runs directly increases the energy used, but also increases the profit made.

Businesses should re-examine the word efficiency to correctly manage the issue of Energy:

Reduce Energy Wasted
Look for where energy is wasted and try to reduce it. For example computer monitors that are left on standby, poorly insulated buildings, inefficient work practises, leaking compressed air lines.

In order to manage energy it needs to be measured not only in total usage, but by process area. Find measurements that are meaning full when production increases, for example energy per 100 items.

Taking a baseline energy measurement at the start of an efficiency project is a good way to show progress towards set targets.

Analyse the information gathered and decide on some reasonable targets and objectives.

For example, in some cases it can be more costly to ‘power up’ a machine, than to leave it idle for a short period of time.

Review and Update
Over time, review energy efficiency targets and set new ones.

Moving Forward
A good energy efficiency programme can save surprising amounts of money each year.
Assent Risk Management is helping businesses work more efficiently and gain certification to international standards such as:

ISO 50001 Energy Management:
ISO 14001 Environmental Management:

See also:
Services to Manufacturing:
Environmental Management:


Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51