EU Timber Regulation. Notes.

EU Timber Regulation comes in to force in 2013, but what are the requirements?

The regulation prohibits the “first placing” of illegally harvested timber and timber products into European markets.

Therefore, organisations placing timber or timber products on the market should operate a due diligence system to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.

The system should seek and retain information on timber used including supplier, the supply chain, species, country of harvest, quantity etc.

Organisations should evaluate the risk of placing illegal timber on the market and take steps to mitigate that risk, for example by achieving certification to chain of custody schemes.

The regulation will be implemented in the UK and non compliance could attract financial penalties.

To get ahead of the regulation, contact us to find out about the due diligence systems we can put in place for your organisation.


BRIEFING NOTE: EU TIMBER REGULATION, DEFRA, accessed Sept 2012, … utline.pdf


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304