Archives Glossary Terms

IHUT (In Home Use Tests)

In-Home Use Tests (IHUTs) are a research method in market research where consumers are provided with products to use in their own homes over a specified period. The purpose of IHUTs is to gather authentic feedback on how consumers interact…

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is a term used in the recruitment industry.  It refers to a model where a company transfers some or all of it’s recruitment processes to a third-party provider.   The third-party provider acts as an in-house recruiter…

ETS Extension to Scope

An Extension to Scope (ETS) is an ISO Certification audit process where the certified client’s scope has changed.  This could be adding a new location or change to product Certification bodies will review the client’s application and decide the appropriate…

DPO Data Protection Officer

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a role that some organisations require to have under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Public bodies and those carrying our certain types of processing activities must nominate a Data Protection Officer and register…

DSA Downstream Access

Downstream Access (DSA) refers to the ability of mail distributors or postal services that can inject post in to the Royal Mail system, by-passing some parts of the network. DSA providers can often get better rates by pooling client’s post…

Brown Paper Process Mapping

Brown Paper Process Mapping is a collaborative technique used to visually represent and analyse a process or workflow in detail. Large sheets of brown paper are typically used as the backdrop, where participants use sticky notes, symbols, and markers to…

Way Leave

Way leave is a legal term referring to the a right of way granted by a landowner, generally in exchange for payment and typically for purposes such as the erection of telegraph wires or laying of pipes. This can be particularly relevant within ISO 27001…

OOH – Out of Home

Out of Home (OOH), also known as Outdoor, is a term used in the advertising industry to describe content that reaches audiences outside of their homes. It incorporates a variety of formats including billboards, posters, buses, taxis, trains, public transport, shopping…


What does CAWI Stand for? CAWI stands for ‘Computer Assisted Web Interviewing’. CAWI is the acronym for Computer Assisted Web Interviewing. A Web survey is part of a methodology based on a questionnaire provided to the respondent with a link, a…


What does CATI Stand for? CATI stands for ‘Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing’. It is used in market research where an interviewer reads a questionnaire from a computer and inputs the participant’s answers as they respond on the telephone.   See…