Systems Development Life Cycle The process of designing, developing, Testing and Maintaining Software throughout its life cycle. This can also be incorporated in to a Secure Development Process.
Systems Development Life Cycle The process of designing, developing, Testing and Maintaining Software throughout its life cycle. This can also be incorporated in to a Secure Development Process.
Enterprise Risk Management A method of managing risk across a large/diverse organisation. ERM is often deployed as a management framework including a risk assessment, register and treatment plans, as well as identifying opportunities. Risks can address commercial, continuity, security, safety, quality, environmental and…
UI or GUI User Interface / Graphical User Interface The part of a system that users interacts with, user interfaces should be easy to use, intuitive and accessible. A user interface connects the human to the machine.
User Experience A discipline in design and software development focused on enhancing the user’s satisfaction with a product by making it intuitive to use, accessible and easy to interact with. UX designers will focus on the user facing parts of…
Mergers and Acquisitions M&A is an abbreviation for Mergers & Acquisitions, the process of companies joining together, or one entity being purchased by another. See also: Mergers & Acquisitions: Management System Continuity
Computer Security Incident Response Team A group of people responsible for managing computer security incidents. May also be referred to as CERT (Computer emergency response teams)
Best and Final Offer Often used in property sales, but also extends to purchasing and procurement processes; best and final offer is the seller’s last opportunity to adjust pricing before the buyer makes a selection.
Proof of Concept An activity or project undertaken to explore the advantages and benefits of a particular idea, often involving the good faith of all parties involved.
Know Your Customer Often used in the Financial Industry to comply with money laundering laws.
Key Decision Maker Often used in the sales process to ensure you are talking to the person who have authority to make buying decisions for the organisation.