How Green is the Cloud? CEEDA, ISO14001, ISO50001

 The word ‘Cloud’ has gained new meaning in recent years, as a string of Internet based services have arisen including:

SAAS – Software as a Service, web based applications run from data centres rather than your PC.
IAAS – Infrastructure as a Service, virtualised systems taking advantage of bandwidth, processing and memory on a scalable basis.
Social Media – Web based communities that are occurring in everyday life.
Media Streaming – Services that provide TV and movies on our Internet enabled devices.

This all raises the question. How Green is the ‘Cloud’?

We once saw a statistic which claimed every two Google searches produces the same amount of CO2 as boiling a kettle.

Among the various schemes and tools available to measure and address energy efficiency in data centres is an offering from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

CEEDA – Certified Energy Efficient Data Centre Award sets out to verify the measures implemented by an organisation with three award levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold.

It uses the ‘EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres’ as the foundation for best practice and assessment, adding a ‘continual improvement’ element similar to standards issued by ISO.

CEEDA can be applied internationally and has the advantage of being externally verified by the trained assessors.

For further information on CEEDA, please see references below.

Going Greener
There are plenty of other steps that can save energy and money. In order to manage something, it needs to be measured, and this can be done in various ways.

For example, the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard sets a framework for taking a baseline energy measurement and setting objectives for reducing consumption.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management takes a broad look at aspects of the business which impact the environment and, again, requires objects set to for continue improvement.

For more information, contact us on 020 3432 2854.


Official CEEDA Websites
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT:

External Contacts (Not Affiliated to Assent)
David Carter CEEDA Relationship Manager at DCD –
John Booth @Carbon3IT –

Two Google searches ‘produce same CO2 as boiling a kettle’, The Telegraph … ettle.html
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Centre Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) Read More.


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304