Help Team Assent Support the WWF to educate more that 25,000 Young People with Globeducate

This year at Assent we decided to raise funds for WWF – a charity that is working for the good of our natural world. Something we all feel strongly about. Particularly after the last couple of years we have had – nature, our animal kingdom and our world in general, has benefitted hugely from some respite from the human activity across our planet.

The natural world stood out during this time – rivers became clear again, the skies were empty of pollution and wildlife generally thrived!

A clear message was given – human activity needs to slow down, we need step back and allow the beauty of the natural world to replenish.

And as life began to get back to normal, we have become more conscious of playing our individual part in keeping our natural world ‘good’. We felt that supporting a charity such as the WWF was a good place to start!

WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature, is an independent conservation organisation working towards their mission to;

“create a world where people and wildlife can thrive together”

To achieve this the WWF focuses its drive on finding ways to;

“help transform the future for the world’s wildlife, rivers, forests and seas; pushing for a reduction in carbon emissions that will avoid catastrophic climate change; and pressing for measures to help people live sustainably, within the means of our one planet.”

Instantly recognised worldwide by their Panda logo, the WWF has worked hard for our natural world since 1961 and were then known as ‘World Wildlife Fund’, in 1986 they changed their name to ‘World Wide Fund for Nature’ in a bid to emphasise the broad nature of their conservation works. As its looks to prevent extinction of animals / species but also to help maintain natural habitats and to reverse the environmental degradation.

So… support us – to support WWF – to support our natural world!

Follow our ‘Just Giving Page’ to donate to our team!

Donna Clements
Donna Clements
Articles: 18