Integrated Management Systems – The Benefits.

Many of the main international standards have been designed to integrate into a single management system, which leads to several benefits for the client.

ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety, can all be implemented and maintained in a single management system.

The benefits are clear. Commonalities in documentation and be exploited to save time and confusion, by using a single policy or procedure covering all standards.

A stronger standards based culture is created in the company, as knowledge and understanding of the management system is increased.

Man hours and disruption is often minimised by covering all standards ina single meeting, for example management review.

Certification costs, and external auditing is often reduced, as the chosen accreditation body certifies all three standards.

Call us for more information on integrating your existing standards into a single system or designing an integrated system from scratch. 01268 799228.


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 303