ISO 20252 Consultants for Market Research Companies

Our ISO 20252 consultants can help you understand and implement the requirements of the internationally recognised standard for Market, Opinion and Social Research including Insights and Data Analytics.

This global standard sets a benchmark for Market Research companies to demonstrate compliance with ethical practices and industry best practices such as the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct.

For ISO 20252, We’re Trusted by:

Key Themes of ISO 20252

Planning, Delivery and Reporting on Projects and Research Work

The standard includes comprehensive requirements for the delivery of market research projects including managing the relationship with the clients, working with research participants, conduct around incentives, and the competence of personnel.

Information Security

ISO 20252 recognises the importance of information security within the Market Research Industry, which is particularly relevant where organisations hold or process large volumes of personal identifiable information (PII).


The standard addresses the use of subcontractors and offers ISO 20252 Certification as a way to manage risks in the supply chain. Alternatively service providers should ensure subcontractors meet the requirements through an agreement, documentary evidence or audit.

Legal & Other Requirements

The standard requires organisations to identify and address any legal requirements applicable to their work.

Organisations implementing ISO 20252 should also be aware of the relevant industry codes of conduct such as that produced by the Market Research Society (MRS) in the UK.

Statement of Applicability

The 2019 version of ISO 20252 introduced a requirement to produce a Statement of Applicability to attest to at least one of the standard’s annexes.


Annex A — Sampling including access panels;
Annex B — Fieldwork;
Annex C — Physical observation;
Annex D — Digital observation;
Annex E — Self completion;
Annex F — Data management and processing.

ISO 20252 Certification

Organisations can demonstrate their compliance to the standard by obtaining Accredited ISO 20252 Certification which requires an impartial third-party audit consisting of a stage 1 document check and stage 2 objective evidence-based assessment.

Benefits of ISO 20252

ISO 20252 is widely recognised in the research industry and can be used in the supply chain to select high quality, ethical suppliers.

In addition, implementing best practices within your organisation helps drive efficiency and reduce errors.

Get Started with ISO 20252

We recommend a Gap Analysis as a first step in your journey.

Showcase 1

ISO 27001

Information Security Management System

Showcase 2

ISO 9001

Quality Management System