Our buying habits can have a big social, environmental and economic impact throughout supply chains. With more emphasis being placed on sourcing of products and services responsibly, ISO 20400 for Sustainable Procurement provides organisations with guidelines that can be integrated into existing procurement processes.
Implementing ISO 20400
Our ISO 20400 Consultants can help you apply these sustainable procurement guidelines into your organisation’s processes to help you make better buying decisions.
Review the Process
Our consultants will review your existing procurement process including the criteria for selecting suppliers, ensuring sustainability if inherent in your buying decisions.
Know Your Suppliers
We’ll help you implement due diligence processes to really know and understand your suppliers, helping you manage supply chain risks and inform future buying decisions.
Monitoring Performance
Monitoring the Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) performance of your suppliers is crucial to maintaining a sustainable supply chain and evidencing your own performance. We’ll put effective monitoring processes in place.
Leadership & Organisational Objectives
Key to implement sustainable procurement process is to have buy-in from top management and aligning it to the organisations strategic objectives.
ISO 20400 & Other Standards
The sustainable procurement guidelines of ISO 20400 can be easily integrated with other management system standards such as ISO 9001:2015, which includes clause 8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services
ISO 20400 also naturally links into ISO 26000 the Social Responsibility standard, across all the core subjects:
- 6.2 Organisational Governance
- 6.3 Human Rights
- 6.4 Labour Practices
- 6.5 The Environment
- 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
- 6.7 Consumer Issues
- 6.8 Community Involvement and Development
ISO 20400 Certification
The standard provides a set of guidelines, and therefore is NOT intended for Certification.
We recommend implementing the guidelines as part of your integrated management systems, meeting ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 or other standards.