ISO 50001 Consultants

ISO 50001 is an international standard enabling organisations to establish the systems and processes required to measure and improve their energy performance.  Our ISO 50001 Consultants can help your organisation become more energy efficient and demonstrate this commitment through UKAS Accredited Certification.

The Energy Pressures

An ISO 50001 Energy Management System can help pressures such as:

  • Public Opinion,
  • Rising Energy Costs,
  • Carbon Reduction Commitment,
  • Energy/Environmental Taxes,
  • Legislation and Regulation,
  • Energy Performance Certificates

The Energy Management System

ISO 50001 requires the organisation to take an ‘Energy Baseline’ of it’s activities and then sets objectives for efficiencies, measured by ‘Energy Performance Indicators’.

The standard uses the familiar PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT model, which can be found in other standards such as ISO 9001ISO 14001ISO 27001. Elements of these standards can easily be aligned.

What’s the difference between BS 16001 and ISO 50001

ISO 50001 and BS 16001 are both standards focused on energy management, but they differ in scope, international recognition, and development. BS 16001, developed by the British Standards Institution (BSI), was the precursor to ISO 50001 and primarily focused on providing a framework for managing energy use in the UK. It laid the groundwork for systematic energy management practices but was more regionally focused and had limited global applicability.

ISO 50001, on the other hand, is an internationally recognised standard developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). It builds on the foundations of BS 16001 but expands them to a global scale, incorporating broader industry best practices and aligning with other ISO management system standards. The adoption of ISO 50001 replaced BS 16001, offering a more comprehensive and widely accepted framework that organisations worldwide can use to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 – A Perfect Match

ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 are a good match because they both focus on sustainable environmental practices within organisations, complementing each other to enhance overall environmental performance. ISO 50001, which is centred on energy management systems, helps organisations systematically improve their energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, ISO 14001 focuses on environmental management systems, guiding organisations to identify, manage, monitor, and control environmental issues comprehensively. When implemented together, these standards enable organisations to create a cohesive strategy for minimising environmental impact by integrating energy management with broader environmental objectives, thus driving continuous improvement and fostering a culture of sustainability.

ISO 50001 Consultants

Above all else, an Energy Management System enables any organisation to measure and control its energy consumption, ultimately creating a cost saving.

ISO 50001 Training