ISO Certification Marks are Changing in the UK

In January 2021 the UK’s National Accreditation Body, UKAS, refreshed its brand and subsequently the accreditation marks attached to ISO Certification Marks.

This means that all accredited certification bodies and their clients who use a mark featuring UKAS will soon need to update these to comply with the new brand.

If you are an ISO Certified client with a UKAS body then you should be hearing from them soon about the change and how to access new certification marks, which usually include the UKAS ‘Crown & Tick’, together with the logo of your certification body.

If you haven’t heard anything yet don’t panic. There is a transition period detailed below and in addition your ISO Certification Body will usually check the marks during each audit.


The UKAS ‘Crown & Tick’

The UKAS ‘Crown & Tick’ logo has become well recognised and respected as a mark of quality and impartiality within certification.  

This recent rebrand is just a refresh, retaining the recognised Crown logo with the ‘tick’ for certification and other symbols covering inspection, testing, calibration and so on.

However the use of the UKAS mark in marketing, documentation and signage comes with specific rules which you should be aware of.  

Find out more about the UKAS Rebrand.

Timeline for Changing Certification Marks

In March 2021, UKAS issued information on the timeframe for changing over to the new accreditation marks. 

As an ISO Certified client, you will be directed by your certification body on which marks to use and how, so there’s no need to contact UKAS directly.

However, for your information, here are the deadlines:

  • Digital Materials: 1 year from the date of launch  (1st February 2022) 
  • Printed Materials: 2 years from the date of launch (1st February 2023) 
  • Certificates: 3 years from the date of launch (1st February 2024) 

How Does Accreditation Work?

UKAS is recognised by the UK Government as the National Accreditation Body to provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.

In the context of ISO Management System Certification, UKAS ‘accredit’ a number of certification bodies, who then deliver certification in compliance with the UKAS scheme.

That’s why although the UKAS brand refresh does affect you, it will be your certification body who manage the change.

Read more: Why you should Choose a UKAS Certification Body.

Use Certification Marks Properly

Using recognised ISO Certification Marks in your marketing and documentation can help to differentiate your organisation from the competition, and after successfully completing the two-stage certification process, you have earned the right to use them!

However, you should be mindful that use of these marks comes with particular rules and requirements from both UKAS and the Certification Body you engage with.

Often, your ISO Auditor will check your use of the marks during your surveillance audits and they may raise a minor non-conformance if they are found to be incorrect. 

Sometimes the requirements can change, including brand refreshes like this, so it’s important to check you are complying with current requirements.

Find out more about Using Your ISO Certification Marks Correctly.

ISO Certification Support

The team at Assent can help you achieve and maintain ISO Certification through consultancy, training, documentation, technology and other services. 

We are here to help with all aspects of operating to ISO Standards, so if you have a query or need some support, contact us today!

Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304