Lazarus Training Implement and Maintain ISO 9001 Quality Management

About Lazarus Training

Lazarus Training, is a training company specialising in medical and safety training. This includes short courses for maybe new parents wanting to know how to do CPR through to a whole suite of workplace courses, which is where we probably spend most of our time. This also includes overseas, and the international dimension of the company was one of the things that led them towards ISO certification.

Deciding to Implement ISO 9001

Lazarus Training decided to implement ISO 9001 Quality Management in 2011 when they were a start-up as they wanted to ensure they had all of their processes in place. They also wanted to be independently audited to help drive improvement and give authenticity to their claims. When implementing ISO 9001, they found they were able to create a solid place and be more strategic when dealing with problems that arose. 

Using Assent Risk Management to help with the Implementation and Maintenance of ISO 9001

Lazarus Training found the implementation process difficult, however, they were helped by the guidance of their Assent consultant, Kathy Clements. With Kathy’s support, they were able to make the management system bespoke for their company. 

Kathy has supported Lazarus Training throughout their entire ISO journey, from the initial implementation of the quality management system, to their annual surveillance audits and recertification audits. 

Achieving Certification and Objectives

In 2011, Lazarus Training successfully passed their Stage 2 audit and achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management with UKAS Accredited Certification Body BSI. 

Since then, Assent has continued to support Lazarus Training as they have continued to achieve certification and have successfully achieved objectives such as changing the accreditation of their course and increasing their internationally based clientele.

Quote from Lazarus Training:

‘Our consultant really guided us through the process from start to finish, and along the way, as we’ve had, our reaccreditation and recertifications, she has been really helpful because as a  consultant, she understands the business.’

Find out how ISO can help grow your company

Jessica Inglis
Jessica Inglis
Articles: 40