Looking ahead to a Successful 2014

The signs seem to pointing towards a recovering UK economy and that is certainly what we are seeing as we go about our business around the UK.

The clients we have been working with this year are doing some genuinely exciting things innovating industries, developing new products, building trade links with the east and forecasting ambitious growth to mention just a few.

At Assent we have had a fantastic year working with these organisations and we are looking forward to more in 2014.

Our focus for 2014 is to build our resource of experienced people and provide training opportunities so that we can given that extra value to our clients.

The last twelve months our team have worked incredibly hard and I hope that is as evident from the outside as it is from our offices.

So I’d like to thank them for continuing to work towards our common goal, creating a company that is: Progressive, Responsible, Independent, Dedicated and Expert.

And to all our clients and associates, we wish you a successful year ahead.

See you in 2014!


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304