Why do so many Cleaning Firms Implement ISO Standards?

ISO standards are renowned for their flexible approach, allowing any business to implement a management system regardless of their size, type or complexity.

However, some industries seem to take up ISO standards faster than others and one sector that is particularly keen on certification is the commercial cleaning industry.

Commercial cleaning is a service led business that can have severe environmental impact and can even be hazardous for employees. Therefore it’s little wonder that the three standards we seem most often in cleaning business are:
– ISO 9001 Quality Management
– ISO 14001 Environmental Management
– OHSAS 18001 Occupational HEalth and Safety Management


The traits of the commercial cleaning business align well with the management system culture.

Training is often an essential part of a cleaning business as it helps keep staff safe, maintain good levels of service and meet legislative requirements.

Staff often work alone, or in small numbers away from the main office, therefore an audit programme of some sort is often in place to ensure that the level of service being provided is up to the expected standard and fairly uniformed across the board.

These elements fit perfectly within the ISO PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT framework.


Furthermore commercial cleaning is a competitive industry which means many firms have to go through the tendering process to win new contracts.

Having ISO certification from a UKAS accredited body has several benefits:
– Use of certification marks on company documents.
– An independent review of the company’s arrangements.
– Often a required during tendering to progress past the PQQ stage.


Our consultants can help you formalise existing processes, or develop new ones to meet various ISO standards. We can then guide you through the certification process.
For more information, contact us.

See Also:
Blog: Win Public Sector Contracts with Certifications 
Certification Benefits


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 303