Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year from Assent!

I hope you have had a successful 2015 as we look forward to a new year with new challenges.

At Assent our office team has grown again this year and we have been busy working on the new ISO standards for Quality and the Environment, both of which were launched later than expected in September.

Although there is a 3-year transition period, many people are asking us to help them make the changes to their management systems now.

Read more here:
ISO 9001:2015 Published:
ISO 14001:2015 Published:

Risk Briefing Website Progresses

We have increased the number of posts on our Risk Briefing website this year, and increased our twitter following @riskbriefing, help to keep you up-to-date with changes to legislation and guidance.

Apple also released their News App to iOS devices in the UK in October, and our Risk Briefing Channel is available through this.

Journey Feedback Project

Our annual feedback project has completed for another year and we were pleased with the responses from our clients. Details to be published in January 2016.

Consultant Collab

Last month we launched our consultants scheme, to help us work effectively with clients around the country by collaborating with some great people.

Looking Forward to 2016

In 2016 we have a lot to look forward to, including the launch of Risk Assist, our service desk that will improve the way we help clients solve problems when the consultant is not on their site.

New Standards

Aside from ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 transitions, we are expecting other standards to be changing in the near future including OHSAS 18001 which will become ISO 45001 – the standard for Occupational Health & Safety Management, although we expect this to be late 2016.

Have a Great Christmas.

Our office will be re-opening on 4th January 2016, so until then we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy 2016!


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304