PAS 2060 for Carbon Neutrality

PAS2060 is a publicly available specification that is recognised internationally. It can be used to demonstrate a company is carbon neutral (or help them to achieve it), based on evidence rather than simply claiming it. Hence it will give your carbon neutral declaration credibility, and help you stand out from the crowd within the market. 

PAS2060 consists of a set of methodical steps that must be met. It can be applied to many different areas, including activities, events and projects. Hence it can be used by a range of companies, and is not specific to any particular industry. 

The PAS begins with defining the entity and subject that the specification will be based on. It continues on to quantifying the current carbon footprint. This must be determined using a methodology that meets the requirements of a specific set of principles. However there are many methodologies referenced within PAS2060 that meet these requirements. Based on the information provided a carbon management plan must be developed and a commitment to becoming carbon neutral must be declared. Actions to reduce carbon footprint must then be implemented, and the effectiveness of these actions need to be assessed. The carbon footprint should then be re-calculated. Based on the calculations an offset programme can be used to compensate for the remaining greenhouse gas emissions that have been released. When carbon neutrality is achieved a declaration and where required a supporting qualifying explanatory statement can be made. These must be created in line with the requirements of the specification, and include if the conformity assessment was self determined, validated by another party, or certified by an independent third party.     

A great specification to show your commitment to reducing carbon, and help make your contribution towards climate change more effective!  

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