Remote Auditing Webinar with BSI, Kinly and Assent

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In February 2021 Assent, along side our client Kinly (AVMI), joined Certification Body BSI for a Webinar to discuss our experiences of Remote Auditing.

About the Webinar

In 2020, during the disruption caused by Coronavirus, many of us had to adapt to working-from-home.  In the assurance industry this meant moving consultancy and auditing sessions online via video conferencing and screen sharing tools.

Having worked with Kinly AVMI on-site to support their ISO 27001 Implementation Assent were pleased to assist during their Stage 2 Certification Audit with BSI in September 2020 – which was successfully completed via Zoom over a number of days.

In this webinar the delegates share their experience of the remote audit process for the perspectives of a Consultant, Client and Certification Body, to help those thinking about ISO Certification prepare for a remote audit.

Who should watch?

  • Those currently undergoing remote audits but looking to maximise the benefit they receive
  • Those who have to carry out audits remotely within their organization
  • Those considering certification or implementing a standard but unsure of the effectiveness remotely
  • Anyone who wants to know more about the process involved in a remote audit.

Catch up on this Webinar via the BSI website:

Articles: 101