Resilience Needed in 2019, but Opportunities Await

There are sure to be many challenges ahead for British businesses in 2019 but I believe there will also be many opportunities.  Our services at Assent are designed to help you manage both risks and opportunities.

Last year [2018] we saw several international standards revised including ISO 45001 the first international standard for Occupational Health and Safety.  

Standards provide a vital role in the global economy, facilitating trade across industries and borders by defining a set of common specifications and guidelines.

Competitive Advantage

So, organisations who have embraced ISO Standards may already have a competitive advantage during these uncertain times.

Standards, certification, testing, inspection and accreditation, help businesses to reduce costs, increase productivity and access new markets.

Invest in ISO Standards

It’s never too late to invest in ISO Standards, and while the ultimate goal might be to achieve ISO Certification and display the related certification marks that come with it, the true benefits of management system standards shouldn’t be ignored.

Implementing a management system requires a fresh and wholistic look at your organisation. From horizon scanning to performance evaluation, there are many valuable insights that can support your organisation both internally and externally.

Taking a structured approach to management disciplines such as Information Security, Quality Management, The Environment or Safety can help you win and maintain valuable relationships with customers.

Changing Legislation

While meeting a standard does not automatically equate to legal compliance, there are many areas where it can greatly support. In 2019 we expect to see many changes to UK legislation taking effect, and implement a strong compliance process as part of an integrated management system will help your organisation keep on top of it.

At Assent we offer a free daily or monthly email digest of relevant legal updates. Sign up for free here or for a more detailed support, our legal compliance evaluation audits can help.

Organisational Resilience in 2019

For some time it has been recognised that in a world of global supply chains and vast digital reach, organisational resilience is a key to success.

BSI have led the charge on this and in 2018 produced their 2nd Organizational Resilience Index, collecting data form 808 businesses across Australia, China, India, Japan, UK & Ireland, and the US.

This highlighted the following top three areas of concern:

  • Technological Worries,
  • Governance Concerns,
  • Skills Shortage.

Now is the time to act if you are concerned about the sustainability of your organisation in 2019.  Identify potential threats and weaknesses before the have a material damage on your organisation.

ESOS Phase Two is Approaching

The second phase of ESOS, the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme, takes effect at the end of 2019, but organisations need to start collecting Energy Data now!

We’re already helping our clients who are required to provide and energy report, and it’s also worth noting that those who are certified to ISO 5001 the Energy Management Standard can use this instead of a separate report.

Cyber Security Remains a Priority

This Christmas many people received ‘connected’ gifts from Children’s Toys to Smart Assistants.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) proliferates home and workplaces the need for Organisations to implement Cyber Security increases.   

Cyber resilience requires technical controls to be implemented alongside strong information governance.

All organisation’s are vulnerable, as ‘bots’ are indiscriminate in targeting any connected device which they can use to access personal data or hijack to use against other systems in a DDoS attack.

Thrive in 2019

For many people, our 2019 highlights above will not be part of their core mission, but in order to thrive in 2019 organisations need to be aware of the changing business and legal environment.

Assent consultants will be working with organisations to help them navigate this landscape and provide resources in areas where there are risks.

Contact our team to find out how we can help you this year!

Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 303