Smartphone Outage Exposes Business Risk

The recent blackberry outage saw several days pass before services to affected smartphones return to normal and it serves as a good reminder of the inter-dependent world we live and work in.

Many businesses are left asking ‘where’ in the world their services are held and what are the points of failure.

Internet technology is deployed in the production of goods and provision of services globally. Therefore it’s important to evaluate the risks your business is exposed.

One way to identify and manage this risk is to implement a management system to ISO 27001. The standard provides a plan, do, check, act approach to identify, treat and reduce business risks. It’s also possible to quantify the risk and apply a monetary value to non-compliance.

The standard also requires risks with 3rd parties and suppliers be evaluated, which can lead to some interesting discoveries.

If you are interested in implementing ISO 27001 Information Security Management, please contact our consultants on 020 3432 2854


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304