Standards in the Security Shredding Industry (BS 7858 & BS EN 15713)

In some industries we find interesting British Standards and Guidelines that complement and enhance the more recognisable ISO standards.

The security shredding industry has two such standards that are commonly implemented by the market leaders.

BS 7858 Security Screening of Individuals in a Security Environment. (Code of Practice)
BS 7858 provides recommendations of how how to screen staff prior to employment and includes provisions for acquiring/transferring staff, contractors and those under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

If your recruitment is outsourced, looking for an agency that screens staff to BS7858 provides additional reassurance.

BS EN 15713:2009 The Secure Destruction of Confidential Material. (Code of Practice)
BS EN 15713:2009 is an updated code of practice covering destruction of confidential material including paper and computer equipment.

The standard also advises on storage, transfer and cutting.

Look out for both of these standards next time you have a shredding requirement.

For help and advice on any of the above, talk to our consultants on 020 3432 2854.


Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 304