Understanding ISO 9001 – Engagement – 1 Minute Reads

Part 4 – Engagement

Getting every member of staff involved with your organisation’s QMS really adds to its success. The staff are the people best placed to know about the processes of your organisation as they are actively involved in them. They are therefore the best people to offer information and ideas for improvement. They are also probably the best people to know about things that have gone wrong and what needed to happen to put them right or prevent a repetition.

Your staff members are likely to be the best people to ask about what training they would like to receive, and what training others in their department or section could benefit from.   

Staff members who have come from other organisations, possibly even your competitors, are likely to bring new ideas and have information of successes and failures of different organisations.

Including staff members at all levels of the business, getting their thoughts, ideas and commitment to your QMS is an important part of implementing and maintaining a successful QMS.  

This can be done by;

  • Talking regularly with individuals,
  • Arranging regular group meetings, company-wide if the organisation is small or by department if not,
  • Share relevant documents with staff members and ask for their thoughts and comments,
  • Arrange group training sessions for QMS processes,
  • Arrange for staff member to train each other in QMS processes,
  • Include in depth interviews with staff members in your internal audits to assess your QMS.


If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the standard and how it can fit into your organisation, check out the free ISO 9001 Awareness course provided by our colleagues over at Lorators. 

Or if you think you’re ready to find out more about implementing a Quality Management System to the requirements of ISO 9001, our experienced consultants are ready to help. 


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Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51